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Our Ethics Channel

Technosylva is fully committed to legal compliance and ethical and transparent behaviour in its internal and external actions, which translates into different procedures and measures such as the implementation of an Ethics Channel.

The creation and implementation of the Technosylva Ethics Channel responds not only to comply with the legal obligation established in Law 2/2023 , of February 20, regulating the protection of persons who report regulatory breaches and the fight against corruption, which transposes Directive (EU) 2019/1937 (“Whistleblowing Directive”), but also to reinforce Technosylva ‘s commitment to legal compliance and ethical and transparent behavior. All information regarding the Ethics Channel and Internal Information System is available at the following link .

The Technosylva Ethics Channel is the instrument through which people who are part of Technosylva internally and third parties that have a relationship with it (clients, suppliers and others) can communicate the knowledge of the commission or suspicion of commission of an irregular or illicit act related to different matters (bad practices in relation to the use of assets, financial, commercial, accounting irregularities…etc.). This communication will be managed effectively and with all the guarantees by the person responsible for the Ethics Channel, following a specific procedure that you can consult at the following link .

Do you need to make a complaint?

Technosylva’s Ethics Channel is the ideal way for you to communicate in a completely confidential manner and, if you wish, anonymously, any irregular or illegal acts of which you are aware or have reasonable suspicions of their commission.

Its operation is simple and it is permanently accessible, allowing you to communicate at any time. To facilitate knowledge and resolve doubts about the communication procedure, we provide you with the Ethical Channel User Manual at the following link .

Before beginning the communication process, we remind you that you must read and accept the Data Protection Policy.

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Data Protection Policy

The person responsible for this website is TECHNOSYLVA, SLU, with CIF B24352296 and registered office at C/Nicostrato Vela S/N (Technosylva Building) León Technology Park, 24009-León (Spain).

Basic Information On Personal Data Protection

  • Responsible: the Responsible is TECHNOSYLVA, SLU
  • Data source: the informant himself/herself.
  • Purpose: management and, where appropriate, processing and resolution of communications made by the reporting person that deal with illegal or irregular acts of which he or she is aware or has reasonable suspicion of their occurrence.
  • Legitimation: legitimation is based on compliance with a legal obligation (art. 6.1 c) GDPR) and compliance with a mission carried out in the public interest or in the exercise of public powers conferred on the Data Controller (art. 6.1 e) GDPR).
  • Recipients: The data communicated will not be transferred to third parties except the independent provider that carries out the regulatory compliance functions at TECHNOSYLVA, SLU and in those legitimately established cases, in which they may be communicated to public bodies or institutions.
  • Rights: The reporting person may exercise the rights of access, rectification, deletion, limitation of processing and opposition at any time; as well as any other rights recognized by the applicable data regulation.

Additional Information On Data Protection

If you wish to consult the information on data protection in a more extensive and detailed manner, we provide you with the Privacy Policy of the Ethical Channel at the following link .

By clicking the button below you acknowledge you have read and accept the Data Protection Policy.

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