PacifiCorp uses Technosylva to advance their data-driven decision-making for wildfire risk reduction and fire behavior simulation modeling.
Southern California Edison
SCE uses Technosylva to better understand and act upon wildfire mitigation and asset-hardening decision-making.
San Diego Gas & Electric
SDG&E uses Technosylva to leverage historic fire weather data to better model asset wildfire risk.
Technosylva Works with USFS to Improve Situational Awareness for Wildland Firefighters
WildfireSAFE is designed to increase firefighter & fire manager situation awareness and enhance risk mitigation planning in wildland fire operations. It supports the greater interagency fire community in the planning, response, and recovery phases of wildfire management. By integrating with federal incident management systems, Wildfire SAFE applications provide an intuitive way of viewing WFAS data for specific incidents across the Nation
Pacific Gas & Electric
PG&E leverages Technosylva to model wildfire risk and improve data-driven risk decision-making.
Xcel Energy
Xcel Energy uses Technosylva to advance their wildfire risk modeling, ignition consequence modeling, and defining asset-hardening criteria.
Bear Valley Electric Service
Bear Valley uses Technosylva to enhance their Risk Mapping Program and gain situational awareness in their high-fire risk zones.
Technosylva Works with USFS to Bring High-Resolution Wind Simulations to the Field
WindNinja is a powerful tool for predicting wind fields in complex terrain and was developed so field personnel can benefit from these high-resolution wind forecasts on their phones and tablets. This tool provides improved capability to identify areas where local winds may impact fire behavior. This information helps fire personnel to make better fire management decisions.
Liberty Utilities
Liberty uses Technosylva to improve their ability to identify and respond to potential ignition threats and support grid-hardening efforts.