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An Executive Report

Understanding Electric Utility Wildfire Risk and Liability Exposure

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What Will You Learn?

Electric utilities across the United States are facing a growing wildfire risk. Expanding drought and extreme weather events are accelerating the spread of wildfire to more communities; wildfire risk is no longer limited to the Western US. Wildfires can have tragic consequences causing the loss of property and lives.

In the face of this growing wildfire risk, a select group of electric utilities are setting the standard for how to predict, mitigate, and respond to wildfire risk and liability. They are leading the industry in operations and planning examples that others can adopt to achieve their own success. These leaders understand that wildfire risk for electric utilities is not the same as wildfire risk for other entities.

Download this executive report to gain a better understanding of liability exposure and mitigation best practices to reduce wildfire impact. This report will help you answer the following questions:

  • How to use technology to assess wildfire risk in your service territory?
  • How to develop a best practices wildfire risk mitigation plan?
  • How to estimate the impact if a wildfire were to occur in your service territory?
  • What assets pose the greatest ignition risk?
  • What is the impact of any given fire from any of your assets?
  • What assets are at the highest risk based on wind speed thresholds?
  • How to predict and mitigate wildfire incidents?